The Family Portrait
A family portrait by Brandt will be one of those definitive images that will celebrate who you are as a family.
Proudly and Prominently displayed in your home, a Family Portrait by Brandt conveys a powerful message that your family matters and that your children are part of something wonderful.
At Brandt Photography, we have perfected the art of the Family Group Portrait. Digital technology has made it possible to switch heads between poses to create perfect expressions on everyone. Even missing people can be photographed at a separate time and placed into the final composition.
Amazing as all this is, nothing can replace careful planning and control of color, contrast, texture, location, lighting, and composition. Add to this, small children and large group management skills perfected by years of study and experience, and you have an Artistic Family Portrait Statement created by Brandt.
Traditionally, only the wealthy could afford to commission a painter to create a family portrait. Clothing, location, the pose and beautiful lighting were carefully selected to feature the family at their very very best.
The advent of photography brought family portraits to everyone. The early photographers were, indeed, painters who embraced this new technology. The result was that some of the best photographs ever taken were images made in the 1800 and early 1900's.
As the technology improved, everyone could make snapshots. Today, with smart-phones doubling as pretty decent cameras, images are easily made by the millions. While these pictures are can be fun and spontaneous, the intrinsic artistic beauty of a carefully planned, gorgeously lit and professionally executed family portrait cannot be denied.